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Launch truly universal software products that are accessible to everyone.

We enable your software to follow industry-recognized accessibility standards to seamlessly reach differently-abled audiences on the Internet.

SEE WHAT WE DO zigzag-border

Our Accessibility Testing Engineers handhold you to develop and launch inclusive software for internet users with special needs. We use tailored testing toolkits and follow global or local standards as required by your product.


Partner with Vervali to bring 10+ years of experience in accessibility testing to your product team.

Audio and Visual

We help you plan and implement best practices to create and publish audio and visual content such that it follows accessibility standards from the beginning.


We help you make your product sensitive to internet users with cognitive disabilities such that your product offers simple navigation and a customizable display of information.

Motor Disability

We test your product on different devices and platforms to ensure a consistent experience for users with limited motor function, like those with incomplete fingers or slower muscles.

How Vervali aligns your

product’s accessibility for the internet

Accessibility Assessment
Accessibility Assessment

We understand your product via user persona development to map out its various use cases for accessibility testing. Test cases are designed and set up based on accessibility standards your business needs to follow.

Accessibility Evaluation Report
Accessibility Evaluation Report

Our team of accessibility testing experts will produce comprehensive test reports. Leveraging their deep expertise, they will provide recommendations on how to adapt your product to meet both global and local accessibility standards.

Guidance and Remediation
Guidance and Remediation

Our team will consult your product and engineering team on how to implement the suggested feedback based on the Accessibility Evaluation Report. We will create a roadmap from making the relevant changes in your software to a successful launch.

Retest and Confirm
Retest and Confirm

We will not only help you diagnose your product for universal accessibility but also support you with any retesting required post-product launch. We ensure you release a 100% usable product in the market that conforms to industry accessibility standards.

Understand how accessibility testing takes your business to new heights of user experience with Vervali

Vervali takes pride in specializing in accessibility testing services for the past 10 years. Contact our team today for a free consultation.

Data Security

Protecting digital information from unauthorized access, theft, or corruption.

Targeted Testing

Identifying specific areas of the website or application that are most critical or vulnerable to errors, and focusing testing efforts on those areas.

-30% Reduce Bug Cost

Through effective quality assurance practices, such as implementing automated testing, conducting regular code reviews etc.

Focused on Business goals

Aim to maximizing the website's potential to drive growth, increase revenue, and achieve other key performance indicators (KPIs).

-20% Testing Time

Through prioritizing testing efforts based on risk analysis and streamlining the testing process.

Risk Based testing

Involves identifying and prioritizing potential risks associated with a software application or system, and using this information to guide testing efforts.

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India – Mumbai

Vervali In Brief:

12+ years Software Testing Services

250+ Professionals Onboard

ISTQB-certified Test Engineers

ISO 27001-Certified

Testing Centre of Excellence